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Cleaning Bankirai Decking: 3 Simple Methods

Photo: miss_mafalda /

Bankirai wood is a popular choice for wooden decking due to its durability and resistance. However, like all wooden decks, the appearance of a Bankirai deck changes over time due to dirt and discolouration. To keep the wood in the best condition, regular cleaning is essential. However, you should ensure not to use overly harsh chemicals or pressure washers, as these can damage the wood. In this article, you will learn how to clean your Bankirai deck gently yet effectively to ensure its longevity.

Basics of Cleaning a Bankirai Deck

Over time, even the best-maintained Bankirai wood deck can show signs of wear. Weather influences and dirt can lead to a grey film forming on the wood surface, making the once pristine decking boards look dull and lifeless.

Fortunately, there are a few simple measures to clean a Bankirai deck, such as with home remedies, to restore its former glory. In most cases, regular maintenance requires only a mild soap or wood cleaning solution and scrubbing the deck with a soft brush.

Cleaning Bankirai Decking: Removing Moss and Dirt

In difficult cases or when the decking boards have a particularly thick layer of dirt, you can also use a special gel, a wood brightener, or home remedies like cornstarch and washing soda. These products help to gently dissolve the dirt, making it easier to remove with a brush.

Simply spread the gel on the surface of the deck and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then scrub the dirt off with a soft brush. You may need to repeat this process several times to remove all the dirt and grime. With a little effort, your Bankirai deck will look like new in no time!

Cleaning Bankirai Decking with Home Remedies

For those who want to invest as little effort as possible and protect the environment, you can use a tried and tested home remedy and mix a cleaner for Bankirai decking yourself. You will need cornstarch, washing soda, water, and two pots.

Washing soda (sodium carbonate) is available cheaply in drugstores. This home remedy for cleaning Bankirai decking is environmentally friendly and quick to make. Mix two to three tablespoons of cornstarch in a small pot with some lukewarm water to avoid clumping. Add 100 to 150 grams of washing soda. Stir until everything is well dissolved. Pour the mixture into five litres of hot water and bring it to a boil to allow the cornstarch to swell, and process it quickly.

This environmentally friendly deck cleaner removes dirt and moss from the wood surface without attacking it. Generously apply the cleaner to the decking boards with a brush. After four hours, you can easily scrub away the dirt and moss as described before with a soft brush. Finally, rinse off the cleaner residues with a garden hose.

Can you clean a wooden deck with a pressure washer?

A pressure washer might seem like an appealing option for quickly cleaning a dirty deck. The water pressure makes dirt and grime disappear quickly, but it should be avoided for use on a Bankirai deck. The reason is simple: the powerful water jet can significantly damage the wood surface.

Even if the wooden deck looks much cleaner and brighter after pressure washing, dirt and grime will adhere more easily over time, leading to an unsightly deck that needs replacing sooner than one that is properly maintained. In short: A pressure washer may save you time in the short term, but it ultimately shortens the lifespan of your Bankirai deck.

Cleaning and Oiling a Bankirai Deck

Bankirai is a beautiful tropical hardwood ideal for decks, furniture, and other applications exposed to the elements. This wood is dense and durable, and it naturally contains many components that protect it from pests and weather conditions.

However, some of these components can react with certain chemicals, causing discolouration. Aggressive chemicals can also attack and damage the wood, reducing its lifespan. Therefore, it's important to avoid aggressive chemical cleaners, acids, or bases.

Steel wire brushes can also react with the components of Bankirai wood, causing stains that are difficult to remove. Instead, opt for a brass brush or a plastic brush to gently clean your Bankirai deck.

How to Maintain Bankirai Wood

So, how should Bankirai wood be properly maintained? By treating your decking boards with oil once or twice a year, you can optimally protect them from moisture and UV damage. There are special blends of vegetable oils available that impregnate the decking boards, ensuring the Bankirai wood is long-protected from weathering and dirt.

The oil penetrates the wood fibers and pores, preventing moisture absorption. This is crucial because damp decking boards swell over time and warp as they dry. Over time, cracks can even form. By regularly oiling your Bankirai wood, you can ensure it stays in good condition for years.

Thoroughly oil the Bankirai wood to protect it from weather and dirt - Photo: ronstik /
Thoroughly oil the Bankirai wood to protect it from weather and dirt - Photo: ronstik /

Tips for a Clean and Beautiful Bankirai Deck

A deck is a great addition to any home, providing extra space for entertaining, relaxing, or simply enjoying nature. However, keeping a deck clean and beautiful can be challenging, especially if it's made of Bankirai wood. Here are some final tips to help keep your Bankirai deck clean and beautiful:

  1. Sweep regularly - Removing dirt, leaves, and debris helps keep your deck looking clean and well-maintained.
  2. Remove tannin-containing dirt as soon as possible. Bird droppings, wet leaves, and soil can cause stains if left on the wood for too long.
  3. Always use a mild soap for cleaning and avoid harsh cleaners or using a pressure washer. Otherwise, the wood can be damaged.

By following these simple cleaning tips, your Bankirai deck will last a long time and continue to look like new.

Regularly cleaned, a Bankirai deck remains beautiful for a long time - Photo: fotoknips /
Regularly cleaned, a Bankirai deck remains beautiful for a long time - Photo: fotoknips /

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