Vinyl flooring: Does a high wear layer protect from scratches?

We would like to shed some light on the subject of wear layers in vinyl flooring. There are many specifications circulating on the market, such as layers with a thickness of 0.3 or 0.5 millimetres. What does this value actually mean in practice? And what exactly is the wear layer of the vinyl? What is the difference when using layers of different thicknesses? Regardless of the overall thickness of a vinyl floor covering, which is around 5 mm, the wear layer specification refers specifically to the thickness of the decor. A thicker wear layer the thickness of the decor layer, stands for a longer protection of the surface. We will now explain the significance in terms of resistance to scratches.

The wear layer defines the thickness of the decor

People approach us and want to know how the thickness of the wear layer is noticeable in use. It may be that customers have already decided to buy the better product and have discovered scratches on the vinyl flooring despite all this. We at Planeo know from experience that this circumstance cannot be avoided. This is because the wear layer refers to the thickness of the layer that makes up the decor. This layer does not vary in hardness, but merely in thickness. The usual thicknesses are

  • 0,3 mm
  • 0,5 mm
  • or 0,55 mm.

If stones or sand are carried onto the floor and, if necessary, rubbed with pressure, scratches will inevitably occur. We illustrate this with two sample boards. You can't really tell the difference between the two boards. However, one vinyl board has a wear layer of 0.3 mm while the other has a wear layer of 0.55 mm. If, for example, you have a small stone under your shoe and walk on the surfaces with it, you will cause scratches on both boards. In our test, we scratch directly over the surface with a small stone to show you this.

We then put more sand on it and rub. With both boards, this stress is equivalent to working the surface with sandpaper - completely independent of the thickness of the wear layer. However, with the vinyl flooring with a thicker decor layer, it would take almost twice as long overall to wear it down with thousands of movements. The thicker wear layer gives longer lasting protection.

The right choice for the commercial sector or private rooms

For private living areas at home, a vinyl flooring with a wear layer of 0.3 millimetres is usually sufficient. For public buildings, we recommend a floor with a wear layer of 0.5 mm or better 0.55 mm. This is because public areas are subject to a much higher frequency of foot traffic and therefore higher wear and tear. Stones and sand under the shoes are carried onto the floor and may remain there for a long time. Through friction and further walking on it, this debris acts like sandpaper. The wear layer of the vinyl flooring is abraded and, in the course of time, its appearance will also become somewhat duller.

Extreme conditions due to punctual loads

If a punctual load is added, the stress is extremely high. We show this with our example of an office chair with castors. It could also be a kitchen chair. If we walk back and forth with the chair over the previously scattered sand, the effect is as if we were walking over the floor with sandpaper. We therefore advise you to use floor protection mats in offices or shops in the appropriate zones. Another preventive measure could be to also work with mats in the entrance area or in extremely frequented walking zones. This can already absorb quite a lot of moisture and dirt before the actual vinyl floor surface is walked on.

There is simply no flooring that can withstand sand or stone chips in this extreme application without causing scratches. Even a granite floor would suffer from the sandpaper effect and the wear and tear would leave its mark

We will find the right product for you

Scratches can occur under the above-mentioned and other extreme conditions. This can hardly be avoided. The thicker wear layer on a vinyl flooring means that it will take longer overall for the decor layer to wear off. In the contract sector, whether restaurant or shop, a floor with a wear layer of 0.5 or 0.55 mm should therefore be used. In private areas, a wear layer of 0.3 mm can normally be used.

If you are planning a project where you need a high wear layer - i.e. a high level of protection - please contact us. We will show you the suitable products. We will be happy to give you lots of helpful tips on choosing and using your new vinyl floor covering.

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